What I’m Liking Wednesday

Back from Portland and back to blogging.

What I’ve been liking this week:

  1. Reading (real) magazines. I still subscribe to both Food & Wine and Bon Appetit magazines, the print versions of each. I like the feel of real (print) magazines rather than reading articles on the Internet. Not only is the weight of the magazine and the feel of the pages nice, but so are the pictures. You definitely do not see the type of photograph or amount of detail in a photograph on a website. No matter how much the photo was edited, print pictures are always nicer. I feel like you get more of the story with the pictures close up, in your hands, rather than on a screen. I think that although you can read the same articles online or in an “e-reader” format, and still have access to the recipes, it will be a while until I switch over to digital. In fact, I think I’ll probably wait until I am forced to switch over to reading magazines on digital; I’ll still buy and read the real thing.
  2. Doing things by hand. I have been baking a lot recently (yes, there will finally be recipes posted), and I have been mixing the dough by hand. It is easy to mix a pie or tart dough by hand, since it is just a few ingredients. It is only slightly more difficult to mix more complex recipes, such as cookie dough by hand, but it can be done. I recently made challah, and I kneaded the dough by hand. Creating dough by hand means taking more time. Really feeling and knowing the ingredients. Knowing what is going into the product. Taking the time to yourself and using that time to concentrate on the simple movement of mixing the batter or kneading the dough. Taking time to think. To think about things in your life. It is a good time to relax and enjoy living.
  3. Accessories. I usually wear simple outfits, so I like to accessorize, but I try to keep it simple. I add a nice pair of earrings. Sunglasses. A scarf. Gold polish on my toe nails. Recently, I’ve gotten back into wearing headbands. In Portland, I bought a great peacock feather adorned headband. (Maybe there will be a picture soon.) A small bag with just the essentials (phone/money/keys) in it. Keeping it simple with accessories is important. Sometimes I see people with too much on and it looks gaudy. Keep it simple and it’ll go far.

Speaking of keeping it simple, I’m going to keep this post short. I’m sure I’ll have more to say next week. You’ll just have to wait and see. 🙂

What I’m Liking Wednesday

We’re going to Portland tomorrow for a long weekend (’til Monday) so I am throwing this post together as a tribute/inspiration to what it’s all about a la Portlandia. (Okay, so this is really just a post about my favorite clips from the show/what we’ve been obsessing thinking about for the past couple of weeks or so.)

My obsession started when I first saw this:

and of course, I just HAD to go to Portland after watching this:

more recently, this:

So tell me, what is your favorite Portland place to visit/eat? and/or what is your favorite Portlandia clip? Share in the comments here or on the new Facebook page.

Photo Friday!

I have finally recovered from our lovely Valentine’s celebration, so I bring you this Photo Friday! post on Sunday. There are some more nature pictures; these are from our Buena Vista park hike last week and there are some photos from our trip up North, to Healdsburg, CA.

P1000385 P1000386 P1000387 P1000388 P1000392 P1000393 P1000398 P1000399 P1000400 P1000401 P1000406 P1000408 P1000410 P1000415 P1000418From top to bottom: various views and flowers and plants seen along the paths of Buena Vista park in San Francisco. That log says, “We were raised to see life as fun…take it if you can.” Can anyone help me identify any of those flowers? I would greatly appreciate your guesses in the comments! Following the park pictures: black cod, crab cake (from Willi’s Seafood, Healdsburg) and a spinning dessert display at the bakery we went to for brunch (I believe it was called Downtown Bakery & Cafe).

We had a fun Valentine’s celebration, and hope you did, too!  We’re going to be in Portland next week (Thursday-Monday) and I will post stuff after then. In the meantime, you can follow me on Facebook to stalk us see where we are/were and pictures. Have a good week!

What I’m Liking Wednesday

We’re taking an extra day to celebrate St. Valentine.

st valentine

(For those of you who have never been, yes, that large bow and arrow really does exist)

We’re spending the day together away from the hustle and bustle of San Francisco.

annual pillow fight in downtown SF…(I’ve never been, nor have the desire to go.)

Or, you know, taking advantage of the ease of getting reservations to places a day early. 😉

(I just thought this last one was cute.)

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Photo Friday!

This past week, I walked around my neighborhood, saw lots of great nature and enjoyed the sunshine in the beginning of February. Usually, it is cold and rainy, but lately it has been quite spring-like.









For those of you on the East coast experiencing snow storm Nemo, I hope you enjoyed these sunny nature pictures. Maybe some of you are feeling inspired to come to California?! 🙂